You can't help but fall in love with Dr. Paul and his book. Paul Wichansky, author of the book "YES I CAN!," sat down with [my son] Jaxson and I to help Jaxson understand that he can do anything he puts his mind to. Don't let anything get you down in life. Accept everyone, ESPECIALLY yourself for who you are.
Jaxson left the house feeling defeated and came home happy and wanting to write and be more positive. Paul has faced many challenges in his life yet his family and self did not let him down. They stood by his side and helped him strive to become the man he is today. He is strong and sends such a positive message. YES I CAN! His story truly helped my special needs kids feel like someone out there truly understands them.
His story has helped my kids feel more positive about themselves and never back down from a challenge. My son came home smiling and writing positive things in his own book. He also said he now wants to be a writer and publish a book. Thank you for inspiring my kids!